Magic Visit to the Holy Land, of Israel

Magic Visit to the Holy Land, of Israel

There is no other place on earth with such a small size and so many things to do and sites to discover and explore.

We are preparing the website,
We are not accepting orders yet until further notice, sorry for the inconvenience.

Archeology Enthusiasts
We will provide you with a lifelong journey
In the Holy Land. To the
Roman period.
the Crusader periods.
and to the Ottoman period.
Will include the site throughout the Holy Land.
It depends on the time you have to share with us

Greek Orthodox Church Capernaum
Greek Orthodox Church Capernaum

Capernaum was the center of Jesus’s activities in Galilee and his town during that time.
Jesus taught in the local #synagogue. It was also the home of the apostles Peter, James, Andrew, and John, and the tax collector Matthew.
Inside the Beautiful #Greek Orthodox Capernaum Monastery, The Town of Jesus, on the Sea of Galilee.


Lie on the Judean hills west of the Dead Sea and the Jordan River Overlooking the old and the New City the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque From the Mount Scopus.

يطل على قبة الصخرة والمسجد الأقصى